Arts Literature

Book Feature: Half the World

Leissa Shahrak, Author

Asheville author Leissa Shahrak chose Iran of the late 1970s, the time of the Iranian Revolution, as the setting for her debut novel, Half the World. “I think it’s important that readers understand that today’s Iran, the Iran they hear about on the news, is quite different,” she says. “Of course, some readers will remember the Iranian Revolution, but most of today’s readers are too young to have experienced the television and newspaper coverage of what happened then. And, few were actually there, as I was.”

The narrative centers around three characters: an American couple and an Iranian student. They are living in Esfahan, Iran in 1977-1979, where the author lived during the same time period. “The novel portrays the arduous challenges of living under a despotic ruler who excels in fear-mongering, manipulation of the truth and degeneration of trust to feed his megalomania and remain in power,” Shahrak says.

She hopes that her book helps readers understand the role America played in Iranian politics decades ago and also imparts a bit of knowledge about traditional Persian culture: “the expectations of ta’arof, loosely translated as ‘politeness,’” she says, “or the way one hails a taxi, for example. These practices have no real equivalent in Western culture.”

Half the World, September, 2024, fiction, hardback $25.99, paperback, $16.99, Kindle $9.99, by Leissa Shahrack, and published by Atmosphere Press, Austin, TX. Order the book and learn more about the author at

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