Artists at Mica Gallery delivered new work for the fall shortly before Hurricane Helene brought damaging flooding and fallen trees to the area. Gratefully, the flooding of Bakersville did not reach into Mica Gallery, so the art is safe and ready for visitors to see. The gallery is filled with new glass pumpkins by Kit Paulson and pickle ornaments by Jerry Leader, along with many other fresh works by Mica’s artists.

Seaside 1950s. Jean McLaughlin, artist
One new project on display is Atlantic Ocean, a collaboration by Jean McLaughlin, Kimberly Obee and Perry Obee. McLaughlin’s family photographs from the 1950s lay the groundwork for an exploration of how memories fade and stories evolve.
“I took small photographs, rephotographed them to shift their sizes and then played with the images on a copy machine,” McLaughlin says. “With the help of master lithographer Perry Obee, we transferred the images to lithographic stones for printing. I added monotype layers to bring color to the black-and-white lithographs.” At each step in the process the original photograph morphed, and the clarity faded. Her next step was to collaborate with book artist Kimberly Obee to transform the lithographs into books filled with McLaughlin’s writing adjacent to the lithographs. The result is a small edition of accordion books.
One image is Seaside 1950s, which reveals a small child who has escaped her mother’s arms to join older sisters playing with a raft. “We hold the ends of a raft, my sister and me,” says McLaughlin. “Our hair is wet with sea water, our skin covered in salt and sand. We have ridden a wave and are steadied for another. In the distance our mother is looking, not at us but at our baby sister who has slipped from her grasp and attempted to reach us. No one in our family remembers this poignant moment, but family vacations at the beach and rafts of that era are among the memories we each still carry.”
Perry Obee is a Tamarind Master Printer with a collaborative studio in Black Mountain. Kimberly Obee runs Wishing Flower Press and Bindery specializing in letterpress printing and creative artist books. Kimberly’s letterpress cards, notebooks and other small, printed matter are at Mica Gallery.
Upcoming events at Mica Gallery include the Toe River Arts Studio Tour Friday, November 8, through Sunday, November 10; a holiday wreath-making workshop with the English Garden of Raleigh master florist Cydney English on Tuesday, November 19, from 6–8 p.m. (reservations required); and the annual Holiday Open House on Friday, December 6, from 5–7 p.m. For more information on events, please check Mica’s website and join the e-newsletter mailing list in case of storm-related updates.
Mica is an artist-run gallery of fine art and contemporary craft located at 37 North Mitchell Avenue in Bakersville. The gallery is open Fridays and Saturdays during January-March and daily, April-December (closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas and New Year’s Eve). Hours are Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday 12–5 p.m.. Follow the gallery at, on Facebook at Mica Gallery NC or on Instagram at micagallerync.