By Renée Trudeau
Erin, one of our coaching clients, had a rough week.
After she received a disconcerting email from her new business partner, it was clear they were not on the same page. Erin paused and decided to stop the email tennis match and set up a walking date with her colleague.
During their hike around a nearby lake, the women had an initially uncomfortable, but ultimately productive conversation. They clarified their needs and how best to communicate moving forward. After their connection, Erin felt strong, happy and aligned. She had handled the situation professionally, gracefully and with integrity.
Many of us feel discomfort when we’re required to take a stand, speak our truth or let others see our brilliance and unique talents. Why is this?
Women often share that they “hold back” in their lives and careers due to feeling insecure, inadequate or paralyzed by fears of how others will perceive them. They often worry that if they speak their minds or share their accomplishments, others will say, “Who does she think she is?” and they will be ostracized. So, they play small and never tap into their full potential—or personal power.
When you begin to access and own your power, you align with your life purpose, your authentic self and your very essence. This journey isn’t about “fixing yourself” but coming into the highest expression of who you are.
Standing in your personal power takes time, practice and courage. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Find your voice and practice being more direct. When you disagree with what is being presented, do you speak your mind and express how you really feel? (Access your “belly voice” and try speaking low and slow.)
Make self-care a priority. This is one of the best ways to send a message to yourself that you are worthy. Self-care isn’t about self-indulgence. It’s about attuning and responding to your needs, moment to moment.
Stop caring what others think. You’ll be working on this your whole life. Imagine who you would be or what you would do if you didn’t care what others thought of you! If you’d rather go for a solo hike than see a movie with friends—honor your needs. The more you practice this, the easier it gets.
Become comfortable using your masculine and feminine strengths. Living powerfully comes from the ability to know how to balance both yin and yang energies and when to call on specific strengths (e.g., is it time to be collaborative or to lead?).
Let your light shine. Most of us are more afraid of our light than of our shadow. Let others see your talents and gifts. Stop holding back.
Become financially savvy. Creating a nest egg, managing a household or business budget and developing a financial plan can be empowering and liberating!
Stop settling. What do you really, really want? The more comfortable you become owning your power, the easier it becomes to connect to your heart’s desire.
I challenge you this month to find at least one opportunity to practice one of the strategies above and see how it feels to fully “own your personal power.” Author Marianne Williamson shares, “When we let our light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same.” Yes, shine on, sisters; shine on!
Join nationally recognized author/teacher Renée Peterson Trudeau for Wild Souls Authentic Movement, song circles and custom workshops. Events coming up include A Winter Solstice Deep Rest Retreat (December 21) and Sing, Dance, Pray ~ Romancing the Beloved at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health (January 19–21). Learn more at